Learn & understand Vulnerability Ethical Hacking course (FREE) | Cyber Security | hackin5min.com

          Learn & understand Vulnerability Ethical                Hacking course | Cyber Security |                                                    hackin5min.com |

Learning hacking is very difficult. Unlike programming or any other thing you have to work really hard to get to know something. 

Because there are closed communities, not especially friendly to people from "outside". 

A lot of people complained about it before they started the training. Almost everyone experienced rejection and almost everyone did not know how to make the first step. People just want to learn fast and good because of that we offer solid good information for beginners.In this video series you will learn various way of hacking. Our aim is teaching basics about Penetration Testing and ethical hacking in this lessons

                       What you’ll learn

  • Information gathering
  • Vulnerability analysis
  • SQL mapping
  • Information assurance model
  • Introducing metasploit in kali linux
  • Hashes and passwords
  • Classic and modern encryption

Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?

  • Basic computer knowledge

Who this course is for:

  • People who interested in hacking

Web applications, and more recently, web services are now a part of our daily life—from government procedures to social media to banking applications; they are even on mobile applications that send and receive information through the use of web services. Companies and people in general use web applications excessively daily. This fact alone makes web applications an attractive target for information thieves and other criminals. Hence, protecting these applications and their infrastructure from attacks is of prime importance for developers and owners. In recent months, there has been news, the world over, of massive data breaches, abuse of the functionalities of applications for generating misinformation, or collection of user's information, which is then sold to advertising companies. People are starting to be more concerned of how their information is used and protected by the companies the trust with it. 

So, companies need to take proactive actions to prevent such leaks or attacks from happening. This is done in many fronts, from stricter quality controls during the development process to PR and managing the media presence when an incident is detected. Because development cycles are shorter and much more dynamic with current methodologies, increasing the complexity in the multitude of technologies is required to create a modern web application. Also, some inherited bad practices developers are not able to fully test their web application from a security perspective, given that their priority is to deliver a working product on time. 


This complexity in web applications and in the development process itself creates the need for a professional specialized in security testing, who gets involved in the process and takes responsibility of putting the application to test from a security perspective, more specifically, from an attacker's point of view. This professional is a penetration tester. In this book, we go from the basic concepts of web applications and penetration testing, to cover every phase in the methodology; from gaining information to identifying possible weak spots to exploiting vulnerabilities. A key task of a penetration tester is this: once they find and verify a vulnerability, they need to advise the developers on how to fix such flaws and prevent them from recurring. Therefore, all the chapters in this book that are dedicated to identification and exploitation of vulnerabilities also include a section briefly covering how to prevent and mitigate each of such attacks.


Introduction to Penetration Testing and Web Applications

A web application uses the HTTP protocol for client-server communication and requires a web browser as the client interface. It is probably the most ubiquitous type of application in modern companies, from Human Resources' organizational climate surveys to IT technical services for a company's website. Even thick and mobile applications and many Internet of Things (IoT) devices make use of web components through web services and the web interfaces that are embedded into them. Not long ago, it was thought that security was necessary only at the organization's perimeter and only at network level, so companies spent considerable amount of money on physical and network security. With that, however, came a somewhat false sense of security because of their reliance on web technologies both inside and outside of the organization. In recent years and months, we have seen news of spectacular data leaks and breaches of millions of records including information such as credit card numbers, health histories, home addresses, and the Social Security Numbers (SSNs) of people from all over the world. Many of these attacks were started by exploiting a web vulnerability or design failure.


Modern organizations acknowledge that they depend on web applications and web technologies, and that they are as prone to attack as their network and operating systems—if not more so. This has resulted in an increase in the number of companies who provide protection or defense services against web attacks, as well as the appearance or growth of technologies such as '

Web Application Firewall (WAF), Runtime Application Self-Protection (RASP), web vulnerability scanners, and source code scanners. Also, there has been an increase in the number of organizations that find it valuable to test the security of their applications before releasing them to end users, providing an opportunity for talented hackers and security professionals to use their skills to find flaws and provide advice on how to fix them, thereby helping companies, hospitals, schools, and governments to have more secure applications and increasingly improved software development practices.

Proactive security testing Penetration testing and ethical hacking are proactive ways of testing web applications by performing attacks that are similar to a real attack that could occur on any given day. They are executed in a controlled way with the objective of finding as many security flaws as possible and to provide feedback on how to mitigate the risks posed by such flaws. It is very beneficial for companies to perform security testing on applications before releasing them to end users. In fact, there are security-conscious corporations that have nearly completely integrated penetration testing, vulnerability assessments, and source code reviews in their software development cycle. Thus, when they release a new application, it has already been through various stages of testing and remediation.
Different testing methodologies People are often confused by the following terms, using them interchangeably without understanding that, although some aspects of these terms overlap, there are also subtle differences that require your attention: Ethical hacking Penetration testing Vulnerability assessment Security audits

Ethical hacking

 Very few people realize that hacking is a misunderstood term; it means different things to different people, and more often than not a hacker is thought of as a person sitting in a dark enclosure with no social life and malicious intent. Thus, the word ethical is prefixed here to the term, hacking. The term, ethical hacker is used to refer to professionals who work to identify loopholes and vulnerabilities in systems, report it to the vendor or owner of the system, and, at times, help them fix the system. The tools and techniques used by an ethical hacker are similar to the ones used by a cracker or a black hat hacker, but the aim is different as it is used in a more professional way. Ethical hackers are also known as security researchers.

Penetration testing

 Penetration testing is a term that we will use very often in this book, and it is a subset of ethical hacking. It is a more professional term used to describe what an ethical hacker does. If you are planning a career in ethical hacking or security testing, then you would often see job postings with the title, Penetration Tester. Although penetration testing is a subset of ethical hacking, it differs in many ways. It's a more streamlined way of identifying vulnerabilities in systems and finding out if the vulnerability is exploitable or not. Penetration testing is governed by a contract between the tester and owner of the systems to be tested. You need to define the scope of the test in order to identify the systems to be tested. Rules of Engagement need to be defined, which determines the way in which the testing is to be done.

Vulnerability assessment 

At times, organizations might want only to identify the vulnerabilities that exist in their systems without actually exploiting them and gaining access. Vulnerability assessments are broader than penetration tests. The end result of vulnerability assessment is a report prioritizing the vulnerabilities found, with the most severe ones listed at the top and the ones posing a lesser risk appearing lower in the report. This report is very helpful for clients who know that they have security issues and who need to identify and prioritize the most critical ones.

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